Monday, December 9, 2013

The Baptism of Brother Buddy

Dear Family and Friends,
The weeks just seem to be flying by. This week I felt so sad. Sister H, who has been with me since I've been in Masinloc, since I've been here in the Philippines, was transferred. It was a bitter and unexpected goodbye. We assumed she would be here for Christmas. Needless to say... I cried. I cried the most I cried since I left my family. We truly are like sisters. We have lots of plans for when we get back. Thus is the way of missionary life, full of surprises. We never know when we will be called to go somewhere else, but we do know it is the plan of God for us.
Our new house mate is a sister training leader... soo... Yeah, she is a rule keeper, but no problems there. She kind of reminds me of my sister Jacque. Maybe it is because she is 28 and knows how to get people to do things that need to be done in a non-pushy way. It really made me miss my family at first... Especially Jacque. She is very nice and talkative. So life is alright. I was worried at first to have a new house mate for Christmas.
This last week Brother R or Brother "Buddy" to us was baptized. He is 69 years old. He was so ready for the gospel. When we go to teach him he never ceases to thank us for bringing him the gospel. He truly cherishes the gospel. His wife died several years ago and he has no kids. He said before his life was just eating and sleeping. He said now his life has changed since we brought him the gospel. He said it changed his life. This is the reason why I am here on a mission, so that others can feel the joy of the gospel. When I go see him he always buys us bread from the local store and pop. He always buys me extra because I am tall and he thinks that that means I eat a lot... Which is not true hahaha, but it is very sweet of him. If I don't finish it he always makes me take it with me. He is very kind and giving. He already wants to live the law of tithing. He is always giving to us. He is going to be a wonderful member of the church. He calls me Jensen or Jen sometimes. He is like a grandfather to me.
I love my work here. I love the people here. I love serving the Lord. I know that the Gospel is the thing that will make us the happiest in our lives. It is eternal happiness. If we have an open heart and mind we will enjoy the blessings of it. I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve the people here in the Philippines. This next week Ryan Nesperos will be baptized. His mother was baptized last month. We have high hopes for his brother and his father to receive the restored gospel and eternal happiness. This is life eternal. I love you all!
Mahal Kita!
Sister Jensen

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